Natural Winemaking - Natural Wine Explained

Alcoholic fermentation accompanied the evolution of humankind. The first evidence of such practice dates back to 7,000 BCE, but scientists have reasons to believe that it was actually known long before. Humans evolved fermenting stuff. As I was doing some...

If you’re looking to ease into this hot fall season look no further than the crisp, fizzy wine treat – piquette. Some people turn to an ale when the leaves change, but if you’re wanting something different that’s somewhere between...

Welcome back to the temple of all that is amber and has been sanctified on the glory of the #sacredskins. We continue our journey through the multi-faceted world of orange wines. At the risk of being repetitive, we’d like to...

Someone once said: “A white wine fermented without any time on the skins is like listening to Pink Floyd covered by Justin Bieber and thinking you know what rock music is.” EPIPHANYI admit it, that someone was me and every...

Buying organic is a no-brainer for millions of people across the country. An ever-increasing level of attention is paid not only to what we put in our body but more generally what we buy. Ethical, sustainable, artisanal, hand-made, and small-production...

Terroir is the favorite word of winemakers, vignerons, sommeliers, and wine lovers. It's used in various contexts and sometimes with shifting meaning. But what does terroir actually mean? And more importantly, what is the role of terroir for the quality...

In the wine world of today sulfites are a hot topic creating both debate and sometimes confusion. Let's try and dispel some of the myths surrounding the use of sulfites in winemaking. What are Sulfites? Sulfites, or sulfur dioxide (SO2),...

Pop, Six, Squish, Uh uh, Cicero, Lipschitz! That’s the line from Chicago – a Broadway musical for those who aren’t musical theatre enthusiasts – that comes to mind when you take a sip of a wine that’s produced through carbonic...

Skin contact wines, how daring and different, and guess what it is! Skin contact wine is a popular trendy oddity that is taking off. It’s like your cool, vintage-clad neighbor who wears tinted sunglasses everywhere they go and you wonder...

How do we have a great day? Have a little rosé, that’s what I say! All of the cheers and fun songs aside, rosé is the go-to wine of choice when you want to keep things easy and light with...